A medical mission, organized by a group of dedicated Christian volunteers, recently brought much-needed healthcare services to the remote village of Dangas, Nabuclod in Floridablanca, Pampanga, Philippines. Driven by their faith and a deep sense of compassion, these individuals embarked on a journey to provide medical assistance to the underserved community. The mission offered a range of services, including general medical check-ups, dental care, and eye examinations. Residents of Dangas, Nabuclod, who often face limited access to healthcare, expressed their gratitude for the mission's efforts, recognizing the positive impact it had on their well-beinG.

The medical mission exemplified the Christian values of love, service, and compassion. The volunteers' selfless dedication to serving others reflected their commitment to following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, who healed the sick and cared for the marginalized. Through their actions, they demonstrated the transformative power of faith in action, bringing hope and healing to a community in need. The mission served as a testament to the Christian belief that every human life is precious and deserving of care, regardless of circumstance.


Medical, Dental, Evangelism, & Humanitarian Mission in Bairan, Naga City, Cebu, Philippines (Feb 23)


A Celebration of Faith and Generosity at Carmencita Mission (Feb 23)